Hamilton Aerial Group was back with our annual aerial and puppet based theatre performance!Presented in partnership with Hamilton Winterfest. A gorgeous 50 minute visual feast of skilled vertical dance featuring aerialists and stilt walkers.Our company of 11...
Hamilton Aerial Group and Iskwē at the Mod Club, Jan 2020
The Hamilton Aerial Group had the incredible honour to perform as part of Iskwē's concert at the Mod Club on January 17th, 2020! It was an absolutely magical night for all, and it was incredible bring so many of our performers together for the lead-up to a truly...
Burlington Play Experience
We had an amazing time at Spencer Smith Park in Burlington, Sept 7-8, offering visitors a chance to try out some juggling, poi, plate spinning, stilt-walking and more! A fun time was had by all and we were glad to share something special with everyone visiting the...
La Nuit Du Vagabond at the 2019 Hamilton Fringe Festival
Through daring aerial acts, larger than life puppetry and enigmatic music, La Nuit Du Vagabond tells the story of the movement of a group of people to a brighter future. HAG is a Hamilton based aerial and circus troupe, and has been performing since its conception in...
About Our Cabarets
Our Cabarets involve a narrative theme and performances are by members of our aerial group with guest musicians, dancers, aerialists and performance artists. Click here to buy tickets to our upcoming events!