A lot of what makes the Hamilton Aerial Group so engaging is our costumes. Whilst as a collective we all help to put them together, we each have different skills and it is really one member, Tanis MacArthur who is the costume creator extraordinaire behind the scenes. Find out more about her on our members page. 

This Fall Tanis humbly unpacked two new scary scarecrow costumes and we were delighted to wear them to taunt and terrify innocent Hamiltonians. The imagination, detail, skill and love that Tanis puts into each costume is so highly valued by our troupe. Thanks Tanis!

scary scarecrow halloween costumes
scary scarecrow halloween costumes

Hamilton’s Gore Park’s Spooktacular and Dundas’s Scarecrow Saturday events have happily become regulars for us. These are some of the events we most look forward to as it’s so delightful to engage on the streets at festivals. Thanks Dundas BIA and downtown Hamilton BIA!