A free event for all at the Cotton Factory! See full details in our newsletter as well as other upcoming gigs open to the public. Sign up here to receive our updates into your mailbox.

May 7th: Cotton Factory open house
On Saturday, May 7th, The Cotton Factory is having a party and everyone’s invited. Partnering with Doors Open Hamilton on Mother’s Day weekend The Cotton Factory will be hosting a giant Block Party and Night Market. Explore artist studios, artisan and vintage markets, eat, drink and get your groove on. There will be a little something for everyone at this free-to-attend event.
If you’re planning to attend, between 5-9pm keep an eye out for us either on the 3rd floor open space practicing aerial or roaming on stilts. We look forward to seeing old friends and meeting some new ones.
Saturday, May 7
4:00 PM to 11:00 PM (HAGs are up and about 5-9pm)
The Cotton Factory
270 Sherman Avenue North
Hamilton, Ontario
The Aside/Bside Project will be spinning an assortment of funk, R&B, and soul throughout the evening.
Garnetta Cromwell and Dagroovmasters in the Imperial Cotton Room, 8:30 to 9:30 PM
Suggested donation $10. Cash Bar: Proceeds to the Women’s Art Association of Hamilton